Raspberry Pi Digital Signage Solution
Why 1Play chose Raspberry Pi for digital signage?
Accessible price
The Raspberry Pi mini computer is the most cost-effective option on the market. It’s secure, reliable, high-performing and flexible.
Easy remote management
It can be remotely controlled even if your Raspberry Pi digital signage players are miles away.
Trusted Solution
With more than 30 million devices worldwide, this single-board computers has been thoroughly tried and tested.
No moving parts
No fans, no maintenance needed, no dust attraction, no noise.
Save energy
The Raspberry Pi uses about 2 Watts of power, you save energy while helping the environment.
High availability
The Raspberry Pi is found everywhere. Forget any supply issues, you can find them in every country at affordable prices.
Compatibile with all versions
All generations of Raspberry Pi's that have been released are compatible with 1Play digital signage solution.
High resell value
Raspberry Pi mini computers are used in many projects all over the world.
Find a list of reliable online stores where you can buy a Raspberry Pi, with stocks updated in real time, here rpilocator.com